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How Important Is Sex In A Marriage? Men Speak Out.



Sex in marriage is an important, sometimes even more important than we would dare to admit.

Are you with me on that?

Now, I have to say that I am a very romantic person and that, for me, emotions do come first.


However, even the most romantic ones do need a reality check from time to time, to remind us that we don’t have a soul only but a body too, and that we deserve to have both of them fed properly.

Emotions will feed your soul, food will keep the body functioning, but there’s one thing that can feed them both at once–sex.

So here’s some good reasons to engage in this activity tonight!



Similar to other pleasurable activities and chocolate, sex makes our bodies produce happiness hormones.

It is a scientifically proved fact that couples who have a lot of stress practice this act of intimacy less often.

So, let your troubles aside and plan a romantic evening followed by this mood lifting activity.

Why not?

It will help you forget all those problems, you’ll fall asleep like a baby and you’ll have enough energy to face the next day feeling happy and rejuvenated.

19 Reasons Why Sex is Important in Your Relationship …


Yes, it is a physical activity but most men and women agree that there’s much more to it than just seeing stars and losing calories as a bonus.

You see, there’s a good reason why “having sex” is often replaced with “being intimate with somebody”.

Sex starts with romance and ends with romance because both genders feel the need to cuddle after it.

Furthermore, healthy sex life is a confidence boost for both genders: it proves that partners are still very much interested in all aspects of their relationship.

Did you know, for example, that couples who have sex often demonstrate more feelings?

They feel the need to touch, kiss and hug more often and have fewer problems with demonstrating this lovey-dovey behaviour in the public.

You know why?

It’s because sex makes the body produce more oxytocin, a hormone that makes us feel the need to love and trust somebody.



A night of passion can do much more than put a smile on a lady’s face.

You see, being sexually active actually means producing more estrogen.

And we all know what happens when your body stops producing this female hormone in optimal amount!

Practicing your lovemaking skills at least once a week delays menopause symptoms, regulates menstrual cycle and increases fertility.

Now, isn’t that one great reason to throw yourself on that sexy man of yours?

6 Reasons Why Sex is so Important in a Relationship …


#Everything can cause cancer these days!

Active smoking, passive smoking, deodorants, paints and even some clothes!

Luckily, there’s one thing you can do to help prevent both breast and prostate cancer: engage in some old fashioned horizontal gymnastics!



Sex rejuvenates, heals wounds, makes you more flexible and less prone to various illnesses.

It’s a metabolism and immunity booster; reduces the risk of stroke; and fights the aging process too!

Add that positive, happy, sexy feeling your weekly supply of “Big O’s” will give you and you’ve just got yourself a perfect anti-aging method no lab could ever produce, bottle or sell!

16 Solid Reasons to Have Daily Sex



This definitely sheds a different light on our regular at home exercise routine.

By the way, when I say all muscles, I really mean ALL of them.

You see, challenging him to come to play won’t only do wonders for your physical appearance, it’s also helps to do your Kegel exercises more efficiently in order to reduce the risk of incontinence later in life.



A headache is not a reason to refuse sex.

In fact, that’s the reason why you should have it!

When our emotional and happy hormones join forces during sex, pain has no other option but to run away.

So, the next time your partner says he has something to take the pain away, you better believe it’s true.

Yes, that is an excuse to get some, but hey, let’s not be petty.

7 Reasons Why Spirituality is Important …


The more you have sex, the more you’ll want it.

Doing it will increase your libido, which means that you’ll want to have sex more often.

This occurs, because sex increases your blood flow and vaginal lubrication, which makes sex feel even better for you this time than it did the last time.


Having sex works out your pelvic muscles.

So if you’re guilty of having to run to the bathroom every five minutes, having sex can be the cure you’ve been looking for.

The more orgasms you have, the stronger your pelvic muscles will become.

How to Show Him You Care without Being Too Mushy …


Are you having trouble getting a good night’s sleep?

Well, all you need to do is have an exciting round of sex, and you’ll be snoozing in no time.

Orgasming releases a chemical in your body that relaxes you, which means it’ll be super easy to fall asleep in your lover’s #arms.


Women who have sex have a certain glow about them.

Studies have shown that women who have frequent sex actually end up looking younger than women who do not commonly engage in intercourse.

So if you don’t have enough cash for wrinkle cream, have some sex instead.


The more you orgasm, the shorter your period will be.

When your pelvic muscles contract, it helps expel blood and tissue more quickly, which means your period will be over before you know it.

Those orgasms will even lower your risk of getting bad cramps!


When you have sex with someone, they’re letting you see a side of them that not many people have seen.

That means you’re special!

Having sex helps you learn what makes your partner happy, and will let you know them better than anyone else does.


You might not have to worry about prostate cancer, but your partner does.

If you want him to live a long, happy life then having sex with him can help make it happen.

You shouldn’t be focused only on the benefits of sex for you, but for your partner as well.


Not only will your muscles become toned, but you could lose some weight.

Losing 100 calories every half-hour or so doesn’t seem like much, but if you have sex multiple times a week, all of those calories will add up.

Instead of hitting the gym, you can just have some fun at home.


If you’re unhappy with your complexion, sex could help.

A hormone called DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is produced during intercourse and helps with a variety of things, including your skin.

So skip the dermatologist and hop into bed.


When you’re in love with someone, you can’t get enough of them.

You want to show them how much they mean to you, which is hard to do.

That’s why sex is a great way to release your emotions and show him how much love you have.


Sex increases blood flow to the brain, which means that you’ll be more alert.

If you have a lot of work to do, having sex beforehand could actually help you.

It’ll make your brain sharper.


It Makes You HappyPHOTO VIA FLICKR.COMShareTweet

The point of being in a relationship is to make each other happy.

Sex is fun, so just relax and enjoy it!

You don’t need an excuse in order to engage in intercourse.

The fact that it makes you happy is all the reason that you need.

I guess whoever came up with the slogan “Make love, not war” was certainly a smart person.

Do you agree?

How often do you demonstrate your bedroom skills?

And there’s a little question I’ve been trying to answer for ages now: Do you think relationships without sex can last or they end as soon as people involved in them find somebody with whom they can have it all?

This article was written in collaboration with editor Holly Riordan.

Thank you for reading my article! Please share it!

When sex is no longer a priority is there an underlying relationship problem? Kenedy Singer open up and wonders: How important is sex in a relationship?

The importance of sex in a healthy relationship cannot be understated. Well, mostly.

See, as a guy, it’s definitely one of the most important things if not THE most important thing. It’s a primal thing, really. On the other hand, many women would say it’s just as important, but may be more likely to overlook the issue if everything else in the relationship is going well.

Here’s a simple way to sum things up: Men often choose a woman based upon the sex (or the prospect of it), and end up falling in love; while women generally choose a man based upon the love they feel, and end up enjoying sex. I know that “all” is a total generalization, but you get my point. Men tend to focus on sex. Women tend to focus on love.

But let me get personal here, I’m divorced. My ex is a lovely woman, whom I still love dearly. However, we had many challenges in our marriage. One of the byproducts of all that (though some might argue it to actually be the cause) is that we quit having sex. The effect of this on me was challenging. Often, I’d feel sexually frustrated and felt resentment towards my ex because we weren’t being intimate.

The implications of all these factors are big because sex is a deep and powerful form of intimacy. It bonds and connects two people in ways that few other things can. It’s beyond the mind. It’s beyond the body, too. There is a deep energetic connection that bonds two people when they make love.

It’s not just the intermingling of juices. It’s not even that two people shared an act of love with someone, that they most likely hold sacred. What’s really happened is that there has been a union between two people that transcends time and space. And we know it. Yet it’s very hard to quantify. Right? We all know how close we feel to someone after we have sex. That doesn’t mean it’s the magical elixir for all that might be off or dysfunctional in a relationship.

But, heck, it sure does mean that it helps bring us together. The term “makeup sex” is just that. It brings us closer. If you’ve had a hard day and your hackles are all up towards your partner, yet at the end of the day you go to bed and make love, then the chances are that you will soften towards them and feel closer after making love.

I know many women may be saying that they just can’t have sex when they don’t feel close to their partner. It’s a valid point. I’m not saying you should.

What I am suggesting is this: if you want to feel more connected to your partner but are allowing squabbles and minor disagreements set your emotional agenda, simply let this anger fall away. Consider that the simple act of saying “yes” to your partner, and to passion, may begin to shift the dynamic. If you’re both honoring each other correctly, sex will most likely help you feel closer to your love.

Back to my marriage, there were often times when we had fought or just felt distance between us. This continued on and on so that we continued to grow apart over time. It could have been different. Many experts approach relationship challenges from the “deficiency model.” In this model, they identify what isn’t working, and work to fix those problems.

Makes lots of sense, right? Something is broken, so go fix it. What doesn’t jive with this approach is that it doesn’t typically address what is the core issue—a solid foundation in the relationship.

Relationship expert John Gottman has done outstanding research on relationships and what makes them work. This is where Gottman is different. He doesn’t suggest fixing anything. Rather, his approach is all about creating a solid foundation in the relationship. One where both people feel a strong, deep bond between each other. In doing this, there is a stronger bond and a level of goodwill that flows. When your man comes home at the end of the day and is in caveman mode, you don’t take it personally. And when your woman just wants to talk and be heard, you are happy to listen because you know she just needs an ear.

In short, everything becomes easier. The little things just fall to the wayside. The big things are more easily handled, especially because there isn’t a backlog of resentment and anger over previous unresolved issues. Comprende?

So how do you do this?

Well, Gottman teaches much of this in his workshops and writing. I do suggest that if you haven’t read it yet that you check out his book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert. It includes excellent tips and guidance on creating and sustaining intimate relationships. You don’t have to be married to learn immensely from this book.

And, yes, having a healthy sex life is part of all this. Keep this in mind too: there are many things you can do that are flirtatious, intimate and nourishing besides just the act of sex. Foreplay is lots of fun and definitely helps set the tone for better lovemaking. It for sure creates more emotional intimacy which strengthens the bonds of lovemaking.

Personally, I know that my failed marriage would have benefited enormously from more of the Gottman foundation-building work. We didn’t have the tools at that point though to go that route. It was sad to end a relationship with someone that I still had deep love for, but it was necessary. I’m hoping that you have and/or find the tools in your intimate relationships to foster a deep bond and foundation. And that you have a healthy and satisfying sex life with your partner!

I’d love to hear more about your experience of love and sex in your life, please feel free to comment.


6 Mistakes “Good Girls” Make In Relationships



In relationships, some people try really hard to be “good girls” or “good guys.” They might bend over backwards to be accommodating. They put their partner’s needs first all the time and strive to be the perfect person in the relationship. But there can be a downside to this.

These behaviours can create an unequal dynamic where one person feels like they’re giving way too much and not getting enough back. This can lead to unhappiness and resentment for both partners.

So, let’s look at some things to watch out for:

One of the things “good girls” often do in relationships is try to handle everything themselves. They might avoid asking their partner for help with chores, favours, or even emotional support. This might be because they want to seem independent or not high-maintenance. But here’s the problem: bottling things up all the time can lead to an unfair situation in the relationship.

If you never ask for help, your partner might not even know you need it! This can leave you feeling unsupported and frustrated, while your partner keeps thinking everything is okay.

The key thing to remember is that asking for help isn’t a weakness; it’s actually a sign of a healthy relationship. By openly communicating your needs, you and your partner can work together to create a more balanced and fulfilling relationship.

Sometimes in relationships, girls want to be seen as super understanding and forgiving. This can lead to them putting up with things that actually make them uncomfortable or go against their values. But here’s the thing: healthy relationships are all about respect.

It’s important to set boundaries with your partner and to make sure those boundaries are respected. This means you both deserve to be treated with dignity, and that includes not having to tolerate bad behaviour.

In a relationship, don’t try to be the superhero who does all the chores! Taking on everything to prove yourself can leave you feeling burnt out and frustrated.

The best relationships are partnerships. This means both people contribute to the home and support each other.

Sharing chores isn’t just about making things easier, it’s also about working together as a team and feeling like equals. So, ditch the “I’ll do it all” attitude and split the chores. You’ll both be happier for it.

Don’t bottle things up! Whether it’s something in the bedroom, a big life decision, or even just your preferences for dinner, not talking about what you want can lead to trouble. If you keep your desires to yourself, you might end up feeling unheard, unsatisfied, and even invisible in your relationship.

The key to a happy and fulfilling relationship is open communication. Be honest about what you want and need. This way, your partner can understand you better, and you both can work together to create a relationship where everyone feels respected and considered.

In relationships, it’s tempting to bend over backwards to keep someone happy. You might compromise on things that are really important to you, like your beliefs, dreams, or what you expect from a partner. But doing this to avoid being single or just staying in a relationship can make you unhappy in the long run.

Remember, a good relationship should make your life better, not worse. It shouldn’t force you to give up on who you are or what you want to achieve. Hold onto your standards! Find someone who respects and supports your true self, goals, and values. That’s the recipe for real happiness.

So how do you avoid these “good girl” traps? Just follow the list below:

  • Know yourself: Take time to think about what’s important to you in life. What are your values, goals, and dreams? Don’t lose sight of who you are just to please someone else.
  • Believe in yourself: Feeling good about yourself is essential. You deserve to be in a relationship where you’re respected and valued for who you are.
  • Talk it out: Open communication is key! Don’t be afraid to express your needs and desires. A healthy relationship is a two-way street where both partners feel heard and understood.

Remember, being a “good girl” doesn’t mean giving up on yourself. A real relationship is built on respect, understanding, and support. You and your partner should both feel happy and fulfilled.

For more articles, check here.

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Why You Should Make Love With The Lights On



Why Having Sex With The Lights On Is Good |

Having sex with the lights on offers several benefits because everything is clearly visible. However, many people prefer to turn off or dim the lights when they get into bed with their partner.

Statistics indicate that men typically prefer having sex with the lights on, while women tend to prefer less light and a warmer atmosphere.

Despite these preferences, it’s worth considering the advantages of making love with brighter lighting in the bedroom. This change in routine can lead to underestimated benefits.

For many women, turning off the lights during sex remains a common preference. However, having sex with the lights on offers numerous advantages. Therefore, it’s worth considering practising this for the following reasons:

Having some light during sex can be a way to communicate with each other more clearly. This can help you:

  • Pick up on your partner’s nonverbal cues: You can see their facial expressions and body language, which can tell you more about what they’re enjoying than just their words.
  • Talk more openly: By seeing each other, it’s easier to check in and make sure you’re both on the same page about what feels good.
  • Enjoy yourselves more: When you can see each other’s reactions, you can adjust what you’re doing to make sure it feels good for both of you.

Another benefit of having sex in a well-lit room is the increased feeling of intimacy. Seeing your partner participate in the sexual activity creates a stronger sense of physical closeness and emotional connection.

Being able to gaze into each other’s eyes enhances feelings of security and strengthens the bond between partners.

Some people enjoy having sex with the lights on because it lets them see each other’s physical reactions. This can be exciting because you might notice small signs that your partner is enjoying themselves, like flushed skin or rapid breathing.

For some people, seeing their partner happy and satisfied during sex is a turn-on.

Many surveys and statistics indicate that a majority of sexually active individuals have experienced one or more injuries during intercourse.

Common accidents include falling out of bed or hitting a hand or head on the headboard. Keeping the light on reduces the likelihood of such injuries during intimate activities.

Being able to see everything around you makes it simpler to avoid potential harm.

Keeping the lights on during sex might seem like it reveals every flaw, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing! In fact, many people find that having lights on makes them feel more comfortable and confident.

They don’t feel pressure to hide imperfections or keep up an act. This feeling of being comfortable in your own skin can actually boost your confidence between the sheets.

Having some lights on during sex can be a way to learn more about what feels good for you and your partner. You can see how your partner reacts to different touches and try new things to find what brings the most enjoyment for both of you.

If you liked this article and would like to read more on sex, visit here.

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5 Subtle Ways To Punish A Cheating Partner



Cheating Partner: 5 Subtle Ways To Punish Them |

Finding out you have a cheating partner can be a huge shock. It can make you feel like you can’t trust them anymore and hurt the closeness you had. You might want to get revenge at first, but it’s better to take a step back and think clearly.

This article offers a way to deal with this situation that’s both classy and keeps your future in mind. It will help you figure out what to do next without losing your self-respect.

1. Focus on self-care

The most important thing after finding out your partner cheated is to take care of yourself. It’s normal to feel super upset and confused, so focus on things that make you feel better.

This could be anything that relaxes you or makes you happy, like starting a new hobby, meditating, or hanging out with supportive friends and family.

While you’re healing, your ex might notice you looking and feeling good. Here’s the best part: the best revenge is taking care of yourself and showing your ex what they lost. They’ll see you thriving and know they messed up by letting you go.

2. Set clear boundaries

It’s important to set boundaries with your partner, and this isn’t just about getting revenge; it’s about respecting yourself. Tell them clearly what you will and won’t accept going forward.

This might mean needing some time apart to figure out how you feel and what you want for the future of the relationship.

Setting boundaries is a big step in healing because it stops your partner from disrespecting you again. It also helps you figure out if you can get back together or if it’s time to move on.

3. Improve on yourself

Getting help from friends and family is great, but you can also focus on improving yourself. This could be anything you enjoy, like learning a new skill or spending time in nature.

Working on yourself will boost your confidence and help you move on. You’ll be too busy becoming your best self to be stuck with your ex.

4. Empowerment through forgiveness

Forgiving a cheating partner might seem impossible, but it’s actually for you, not them. It’s about letting go of all that anger and hurt you’re feeling, not saying what they did was okay.

Forgiveness can help you heal and move on, no matter if you stay together or break up.

5. Embrace the possibility of moving on

Recognising when it’s time to move on is important for respecting yourself and finding future happiness. Moving on doesn’t mean forgetting; it means choosing to find happiness and fulfilment elsewhere.

It involves being open to new possibilities, relationships, and experiences that match your values and desires for love and respect.

One effective way to deal with a cheating partner is to let them know they no longer have the same access to you. Forgiving them and yourself is crucial for finding peace and happiness again. Forgiveness can help you regain control over your joy.

After experiencing infidelity, the focus should be on healing, understanding, and empowerment rather than seeking revenge.

Prioritising self-care, setting boundaries, seeking professional advice, having honest conversations, and considering forgiveness can help you navigate this tough situation and emerge stronger, with a clearer idea of what you want and deserve in a relationship.

If you like this article, read more here.

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